The planet of Drez-Lar was a colony of the Kree Empire until it perished during the Annihilation War.[1]
Drez-Lar was formerly a prosperous Kree colony on the outskirts of the Kree Empire and home to approximately nineteen million Kree citizens. During the Annihilation War, the planet was nearly destroyed and left inhabitable by the Annihilation Wave. Fortunately, most inhabitants were able to be evacuated. However, while acting as a rearguard to cover the civilian evacuation, the light cruiser Spirit of Supremor was caught in enemy fire and crashed on the planet's surface. Only one hundred and two Kree soldiers survived the crash and were left stranded.[1]
Under the command of Ko-Rel, the small group survived but was completely cut off from the rest of the Kree Empire. This changed when the apparent corpse of Nova Prime (Richard Rider) crashed on Drez-Lar and the Xandarian Worldmind bonded with Ko-Rel to making her a new Nova 0001. Not longer after Rider's arrival, Lightstorm led a cadre of Phalanx warriors and Gamora to Drez-Lar in search of Nova Prime. The Phalanx slaughtered the remaining Kree survivors before being destroyed by Ko-Rel. Consumed with grief, Ko-Rel left Drez-Lar to confront Gamora on Nil-Rast. Unfortunately, she did not survive the encounter.[4]