Marvel Database


The history of Earth-7484 diverged from that of Earth-616 (and Earth-691) when Roxxon's Nth Command succeeded with their 'Operation Purge'. The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Defenders and the X-Men were all transported to hostile realities where most of them met instant death, and the handful of surviving heroes were hunted down soon after.[1]

Roxxon then attempted to launch a coup and seize control of the United States, but were unsuccessful. In the ensuing chaos, the US military attempted to impose order, but soon collapsed into warring factions. Within a few years, most of the world lay in ruins, with the military, the CIA, and other warlords fighting over the remains.

This world is the home reality of Deathlok the Demolisher, formerly Luther Manning.[2]

With Godwulf promising him loyalty, Timestream acted as his ally against Hellinger. Following Hellinger's defeat, however, Godwulf broke Akai's trust as the former did not want the latter in the newly freed USA. Their disagreements led to a nuclear war that destroyed much of the world.[3]

See Also

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