The designation "Earth-TRN861" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
A western reality inhabited by both 1872 versions of modern characters and classic Marvel characters, a portion of the Old West was displaced to Chronpolis. After Kang was defeated, this Earth was returned to its place of origin by Ravonna.[1]
- Avengers
- Arizona Girl (Arizona Annie)
- Kid Colt (Blaine Colt)
- Bullseye (Lester)
- Captain Corbett
- Phantom Rider (Carter Slade)
- Red Wolf (Johnny Wakely
- Rawhide Kid (Jonathan Clay)
- Living Totem
- Two-Gun Kid (Matthew Hawk)
- Steel
- Mayor Wilson Fisk (Mentioned)
- Governor Roxxon (Mentioned)
- Flaming Star (Mentioned)
- Ben Bart (Mentioned)
- Ben Dancer (Mentioned)
- Breakdown Bill
- M.C. Hoedown
- Clive the Farm Hand
See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Earth-TRN861
- 13 image(s) of Earth-TRN861
- 14 characters that originate from Earth-TRN861
- 1 organizations that originate from Earth-TRN861