Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Professional History

He started his path in comics in 2012 with the graphic novel Assassin and Son (Scout Comics) with 250 pages in total.

He later drew some comic web pages (sadly the website is unavailable).

In 2013 he drew for agency/publisher Space Goat comic Family Secret and 5 issues of Eon Quest.

For 2015-2020 he did some work, a lot of indie comics, Among them are: The Transfer, Lonesomes #1-#4, Jessie (Graphic Novel), Dagar #1-#6, Vigilance #03 and 6-DEEP #1 - #4, Kelvin the Drunk Jedi (Facebook pages), Ronin #2, Dream Girl #2, Blackmore, Tales of the Stars, Bazza, and a lot more.

In 2021/2022 he made the book called Vampyria Inquisition for Solèil Èditions and a page for Voices and 5 editions of Spider-Man The Lost Hunt.

2023 he continue doing the Vampyria Inquisition vl 02 for Solèil Èditions.

Work History


See Also

Links and References

