Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Master Tony, I'm afraid we didn't have any ostrich eggs for breakfast, but, I managed to find a quail's egg and a rather good magnifying glass...
Edwin Jarvis[src]


Edwin Jarvis (Earth-1610) from Ultimates Vol 1 2 001

Edwin Jarvis was Tony Stark's personal and pessimistic butler. When Tony dated and eventually became engaged to his teammate, Natasha Romanova (the Black Widow), Jarvis was at continuing odds with her. Jarvis was later shot in the head by Natasha when she revealed herself to Stark as the traitor within the Ultimates team.

Jarvis' death contributed Tony's descent into full-blown alcoholism. Stark has/had a waitress he called "Jarvis", and later employed another assistant who he insisted calling "Jarvis" as well.[1]

See Also

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