For fictional versions of Eliot R. Brown as a character within comic books or other media,
visit this disambiguation page.
visit this disambiguation page.
Personal History
Professional History
Took the photo for the cover of Marvel Team-Up #128 and for the cover of Spider-Woman #50.
Work History
- 29 subject(s) created by "Eliot R. Brown"
- 11 work(s) where "Eliot R. Brown" worked on a cover
- 12 work(s) that "Eliot R. Brown" edited
- 24 work(s) that "Eliot R. Brown" wrote
- 41 work(s) that "Eliot R. Brown" penciled
- 22 work(s) that "Eliot R. Brown" inked
- 7 work(s) that "Eliot R. Brown" colored
- 3 work(s) that "Eliot R. Brown" lettered