Marvel Database


Presumably, before her infection with the zombie virus, Elizabeth Ross' life mirrored that of her counterpart on Earth-616. After she and the other Invaders were transformed into zombies, however, they became a powerful shock troop for the Nazis. The Invaders confronted the Ducky Dozen shortly after that group arrived on Earth-12591.[1] As Taxi Taylor was temporarily blinded by an explosion, Golden Girl attempted to attack her from behind, but was stopped by the Red Raven who saved the life of his teammate despite her constant chiding of him. Golden Girl, however, succeeded in turning Red Raven into a zombie and flew him like a winged steed as the Invaders attempted to finish off the Dozen. The heroes were saved, however, by the last resistance group to the Nazis regime on this world, the Suffragists. Libertas then blasted Golden Girl into oblivion with her torch.[2]

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