With the help of Spider-Man battling an army of shadow vampires working for Dracula, he vowed to deliver an ancient, powerful magical relic into the hands of Director Nick Fury at any cost.
The original leader of the all-monster squad of S.H.I.E.L.D. codenamed the Howling Commandos, Blade became sick of Fury's puppet-master nature and quit, striking out alone and returning to his roots as a vampire slayer.Paraphernalia
- Blade's Sword
- Stakes, garlic and various other vampire-slaying equipment
- Voiced by Terry Crews.
See Also
- 5 appearance(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-12041)
- 5 image(s) of Eric Brooks (Earth-12041)
- 1 quotation(s) by or about Eric Brooks (Earth-12041)