Marvel Database

Quote1 Sister! Your king has summoned you home. Quote2

Appearing in "Deus Ex Inhuman"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Ronan
  • Franklin's schoolmates
    • Thomas
    • Steve
    • Darren
    • Jefferson Brigges
    • Sara Jessen




Synopsis for "Deus Ex Inhuman"

Before the Future Foundation saved the future, the Kree fled back to their galaxy when faced with the Mad Celestials. Hot on their tails were the Inhumans, whose leader Black Bolt sought to prevent the Supreme Intelligence from reclaiming the Kree empire. However as the two ships were locked in battle, the future Franklin Richards suddenly teleported before them. After some peace talks, Franklin convinced Black Bolt that it was time to return home.

Back on Earth, the Human Torch has just lost an election to determine who is the leader of the Negative Zone. As Annihilus had won, Johnny and the Light Brigade prepare to return Annihilus to the Zone. However, Johnny has decided that he is going to keep the Cosmic Control Rod for safe keeping. With that, Johnny has Annihilus tossed into the Negative Zone to resume his rule. Suddenly Blackmane detects that something is coming.

Meanwhile, aboard the Future Foundation's space station, Reed is teaching the children about the various alien races that live in the known universe. Suddenly, something obscures their view of the stars. When Reed looks at what has blocked their view, he recognises it as Attilan and that the Inhumans have returned home. Upon their arrival the Light Brigade return to their people. They are brought before Black Bolt, who welcomes them home.

Back aboard the Future Foundation station, Valeria and Bentley are discussing the idea of conquest when they are suddenly interrupted by Valeria's future self. She tells Bentley to leave and after confirming the date, the older Valeria smacks her younger self over the head and tells her to delete the report she is working on. Valeria grudgingly deletes her report on conquering the Kree. At that moment on Earth, the older Franklin Richards is taking his younger self to his new school. Franklin the younger is complaining about having to leave the Future Foundation to attend a normal school, but his older self convinces him that this new school will be great for him by giving him hints about the future of his classmates and soon-to-be friends.

Elsewhere, Crystal and Ronan are spending time together when suddenly they are interrupted by the arrival of Medusa -- teleported in via Lockjaw -- who tells Crystal that Black Bolt has requested she return home.

Solicit Synopsis

• A closer look at the Universal Inhuman supergroup.

• See what happens when they are called home to Attilan.

• Witness the shocking events of what happened when Black Bolt caught the new Supreme Intelligence.

See Also

Links and References

