This issue collects following issues:
Fantastic Four #1
"The Fantastic Four!"
"The Fantastic Four!"
Fantastic Four #2
"The Fantastic Four Meet the Skrulls from Outer Space!"
"The Fantastic Four Meet the Skrulls from Outer Space!"
Fantastic Four #3
"The Menace of the Miracle Man"
"The Menace of the Miracle Man"
Fantastic Four #4
"The Coming of... Sub-Mariner!"
"The Coming of... Sub-Mariner!"
Fantastic Four #5
"Prisoners of Doctor Doom!"
"Prisoners of Doctor Doom!"
Fantastic Four #6
"Captives of the Deadly Duo!"
"Captives of the Deadly Duo!"
Fantastic Four #7
"Prisoners of Kurrgo, Master of Planet X"
"Prisoners of Kurrgo, Master of Planet X"
Fantastic Four #8
"Prisoners of the Puppet Master!"
"Prisoners of the Puppet Master!"
Fantastic Four #9
"The End of the Fantastic Four!"
"The End of the Fantastic Four!"
Fantastic Four #10
"The Return of Doctor Doom!"
"The Return of Doctor Doom!"
Fantastic Four #11
"A Visit With the Fantastic Four"
"A Visit With the Fantastic Four"
Fantastic Four #12
"The Incredible Hulk"
"The Incredible Hulk"
Fantastic Four #13
"The Fantastic Four Versus the Red Ghost and His Indescribable Super-Apes!"
"The Fantastic Four Versus the Red Ghost and His Indescribable Super-Apes!"
Fantastic Four #14
"The Merciless Puppet Master"
"The Merciless Puppet Master"
Fantastic Four #15
"The Fantastic Four Battle the Mad Thinker and His Awesome Android"
"The Fantastic Four Battle the Mad Thinker and His Awesome Android"
Fantastic Four #16
"The Micro-World of Doctor Doom!"
"The Micro-World of Doctor Doom!"
Fantastic Four #17
"Defeated by Doctor Doom!"
"Defeated by Doctor Doom!"
Fantastic Four #18
"A Skrull Walks Among Us!"
"A Skrull Walks Among Us!"
Fantastic Four #19
"Prisoners of the Pharoah!"
"Prisoners of the Pharoah!"
Fantastic Four #20
"The Mysterious Molecule Man!"
"The Mysterious Molecule Man!"
Fantastic Four #21
"The Hate-Monger!"
"The Hate-Monger!"
Fantastic Four #22
"The Return of the Mole Man!"
"The Return of the Mole Man!"
Fantastic Four #23
"The Master Plan of Doctor Doom!"
"The Master Plan of Doctor Doom!"
Fantastic Four #24
"The Infant Terrible!"
"The Infant Terrible!"
Fantastic Four #25
"The Hulk Vs. the Thing"
"The Hulk Vs. the Thing"
Fantastic Four #26
"The Avengers Take Over!"
"The Avengers Take Over!"
Fantastic Four #27
"The Search for Sub-Mariner!"
"The Search for Sub-Mariner!"
Fantastic Four #28
"We Have to Fight the X-Men!"
"We Have to Fight the X-Men!"
Fantastic Four #29
"It Started on Yancy Street!"
"It Started on Yancy Street!"
Fantastic Four #30
"The Dreaded Diablo!"
"The Dreaded Diablo!"
Fantastic Four Annual #1
"Sub-Mariner Versus the Human Race!"
"Sub-Mariner Versus the Human Race!"
- The second printing was in November 2007.