Marvel Database


Zoltan Drago (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 6 0002

Discovering the effects of the fear gas in Daredevil #6

Fear Gas was accidently invented by Zoltan Drago based on pheromones, chemicals produced by most animals, used to communicate a variety of simple messages over distances. The particular pheromone he used is the flight-scent pheromone, which stimulates fear reactions in herd animals. He tailored it for human beings, dubbed himself Mister Fear and became criminal.[1]

Drago was later killed by Starr Saxon, who took away Fear Gas and used it for a short time before seemingly dying.[2] The Gas was then obtained by Larry Cranston[3] and later by his nephew, Alan Fagan. All three of them assumed identity of Mister Fear and used Fear Gas to commit crimes.

Larry Cranston eventually developed power to induce fear even without using the Gas.[4]

Chronic exposure to Fear Gas has resulted in Alan Fagan having an accumulation of it within his skin. Though he has not proven able to utilize this himself, samples of his skin were used by Ariel Tremmore to gain superhuman powers as Shock.[5]


Fear Inducement: This drug induces severe anxiety, fear, and panic in humans who inhaled it, rendering them incapable of fighting or resisting. The drug is most commonly used in the form of gas pellets shot from a gun. The pellets rupture on contact, releasing the flight scent, which is inhaled by the victim. The dosage contained in one pellet is enough to incapacitate a normal adult male for about 15 minutes, or an exceptionally fit male, such as Daredevil, for about five minutes. The side effects of anxiety, edginess, and mild nausea can persist for several days.[6]

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