Marvel Database

Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
General Fortean
Quote1 What... what is this? Quote2
Samuel Sterns (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 24 001
Brian Banner
Quote1 This is where you've always been. Where all of us have always been. Welcome, General Fortean. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to our little family. Quote2
Doc SamsonQuote1 I'm sorry, General. I'm so sorry. But I did try to warn you. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
General Fortean
Quote1 Samson? Quote2
Doc SamsonQuote1 If it's any consolation, I don't think this lasts. I... feel as if I've tried to stay longer. To move past this place... to be... cleansed... anyway. I suppose now we both know how it's done. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
Gen. Fortean
Quote1 No. No. I -- I don't want this -- I'd never have -- this is... my soul... Quote2
Samuel Sterns (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 24 001
Brian Banner
Quote1 Ha ha ha! Isn't this fun? So many of us -- it's like a party! You've outdone yourself, Bruce. Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Joe Fixit
Quote1 Bruce ain't here, Dad. It's, Joe. Quote2
Reginald Fortean (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Vol 1 21 004
General Fortean
Quote1 What-- Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Joe Fixit
Quote1 Party's over. Quote2

Appearing in "The Steel Throne"

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Synopsis for "The Steel Throne"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• As the war with Shadow Base comes to a brutal, bloody end, Bruce Banner has a choice to make.

• And the repercussions of that choice will have an effect on every single life on this planet...

• ...including the IMMORTAL HULK.


Legacy Numbering[]

See Also

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