Marvel Database

Quote1 Can't talk. Fighting. Quote2

Appearing in "Dream Time (Sacred Invasion - Part 2)"

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  • Fractal Scriptures of Jemiah the Analyzer (Mentioned)



Synopsis for "Dream Time (Sacred Invasion - Part 2)"

Ajak mentioned that if they failed, their heads would join those of Hadith, Blessed-of-Litters, and Ceffyad on the shelves of Skrull temples. Amadeus questioned being sent by Athena to kill the Skrull gods because of what their followers were doing and Ajak claimed that the Skrulls would fall if their gods fell. Then, the Godmobile reached the Heart of the Dreamtime and saw Nightmare's Realm and Ajak suggested parleying with him for the chance of him helping them. Hercules compared his teammates to his former fellow Argonauts; Ajak to Orpheus, Atum to Pollux, Snowbird to Atalanta, and Mikaboshi to Pericymenus, but had no comparison for Amadeus. Then, they were welcomed by Nightmare to his realm.

Nightmare offered the God Squad a chart to the realm of the Skrull gods from his libraries in return for their fear. Hercules was reluctant and Snowbird believed that they didn't have much of a choice. The Olympian was shown a vision of himself in 1289 B.C., when the Argonauts sent him to gather lumber, while his arms-bearer Hylas disappeared while searching for water. Hercules was left behind by the Argonauts during his search, robbing him of the chance to see the Golden Fleece. As Amadeus attempted to free Hercules from his vision, Nightmare showed the Korean boy a vision of his family being murdered, the Hulk being betrayed, his pup crippled, his best friend being doomed, and it being all his fault. Then, Nightmare showed Snowbird a vision of herself being the survivor of Alpha Flight before showing Atum, the engineer of apocalypse, a vision of Eternity with his existence of the sun going on and on and on. As Nightmare attempted to show a vision to Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the latter resisted and Hercules was able to break free.

Hercules struck Nightmare, leading the latter to summon every night terror that ever lurked in darkness to kill the former. While the God Squad fought their way back to the Godmobile, Amatsu-Mikaboshi searched for a map of the Dreamtime in Nightmare's lair. Afterwards, Mikaboshi gave Ajak the map before Hercules found Snowbird crying about everyone she'd ever loved being dead before the two shared a kiss, as the demigoddess wanted not to be alone anymore. Kirby watched the two gods kiss while his eyes glowed green.

Solicit Synopsis


The "SACRED INVASION" continues! In order for Hercules and his divine allies to attack the realm of the Skrull gods, they first must pass out of our own Earthly pantheons - with a fear-fraught voyage through the dimension of NIGHTMARE! What could possibly terrify a god? The Dark Lord of Dreams knows - and he'll use it to destroy the last, best hope of stopping the Skrull invasion before it even starts!


It is revealed by Mark Paniccia that "MaGnUs" of Montevideo, Uruguay, had come up with the idea of the name for the coyote puppy.

See Also

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