Marvel Database

Quote1 You ARE powerful indeed. Oh, by the way, you fell for the oldest of motivational tricks. I can't lend my god power, that staff is a prop, it's all within you, yada yada yada. Cheers! Quote2
Loki Laufeyson

Appearing in "Iceman (Part 3)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Daemond II (First appearance)
  • William Drake/Laufey amalgamation (Illusion or holographic simulation)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


  • Earth
    • Christian Frost's apartment
  • Hel (Invoked)
  • Jotunheim (Illusion or holographic simulation)
    • Drake Home (Illusion or holographic simulation)


Synopsis for "Iceman (Part 3)"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

This issue: Iceman teams up with...Loki?! That's right, Bobby is summoned by Asgard's God of Mischief to stop an overly empowered spell caster who's using blood magic and ancient relics to invoke a powerful ice demon. And this out of control mage also has the power to create manifestations of Iceman and Loki's dads! Time for an Asgardian power boost.

See Also

Links and References

