Marvel Database

Below is an index of residents of Vietnam. They exist on Earth-85101 unless otherwise stated.

Resident Index of Vietnam[]


Duong (Earth-616) from The 'Nam Vol 1 7 001 Appearances: The 'Nam #7

Duong was a former Việt Cộng who became a Kit Carson Scout for the U.S. Army.[1]


Joe (Earth-85101) from The 'Nam Vol 1 19 0001 Appearances: The 'Nam #19

During the Vietnam War, Joe, an elicopter pilot, caught a mayday call from Marine pilots Irish and Drum, whose plane was hit by N.V.A. fire.[2]


Nguen (Earth-616) from The 'Nam Vol 1 6 001 Appearances: The 'Nam #6

Nguen sold a Việt Cộng grenade to Specialist Kakas.[3]


Oanh (Earth-616) from The 'Nam Vol 1 10 001 Appearances: The 'Nam #10

Sergeant Oanh was an ARVN ranger who was assisted by Ed Marks in the defense of Saigon during National Day in late October of 1966.[4]


Quang (Earth-616) from The 'Nam Vol 1 22 001 Appearances: The 'Nam #22

During the Vietnam War, Comrade Quang was injured in an underground hospital.[5]


Teo (Earth-616) from The 'Nam Vol 1 24 001 Appearances: The 'Nam #24

Teo was one of the Việt Cộng who attacked the U.S. embassy on January, 31, 1968.[6]


Tuong (Earth-616) from The 'Nam Vol 1 24 001 Appearances: The 'Nam #24

Captain Tuong helped the 23rd Infantry Division against the Việt Cộng who attacked the U.S. embassy on January, 31, 1968.[6]

