Marvel Database


Prunella Hawkins (Earth-616) from Blonde Phantom Comics Vol 1 21 0002

Prunella Hawkins

Prunella Hawkins was an elderly woman who owned a large amount of lake side property in Hawkins Lake, California during the 1940s. It was previously the source of a gold during, but been mined dry. However, in 1949 Prunella and her friend Jake Crockett, an old time gold prospector came across a gold nugget on the beach near the property. By this time Prunella was going bankrupt and began selling off her properties, offering summer renters the opportunity to buy the properties they rented out during the summer months. These properties were being bought up quickly by J.J. Jackson. Finding the gold nugget renewed the possibility of gold being found so Hawkins and Crockett sent it off to be analyzed. In anticipation of a potential gold deposit, the two developed a phony haunting of the "Thing from the Lake". Both Prunella and Jake began wearing luminescent clothing and shrouds to scare people away from the property.

Eventually the sheriff got involved and called in private detective Mark Mason to investigate despite Prunella's protests that the claims of haunting were nothing more than "hogwash". Accompanying Mark was his secretary Louise Grant who was secretly the Blonde Phantom. The "hauntings" continued even with their presence and the Blonde Phantom began investigating. After a number of hauntings the first night, the Blonde Phantom followed the "Thing" to the other side of the lake and caught Prunella and Jake doffing their costumes. They were then met by J.J. Jackson who informed them that the gold nugget they found was merely a trinket from some tourists watch and that there was no gold in the area.[1]

Having committed no real crimes, Prunella and Jake refused to give up their search for gold. If they continued on or not, and their fate with Prunella's looming bankruptcy are unrecorded.



When posing as "The Thing From the Lake" Prunella wore a shroud that was covered in phosphorescent material that caused it to glow in the dark.

See Also

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