Marvel Database

Quote1 During the best times, Dunwich Sanitorium churned out hit men and assassins for gangsters and corrupt government officials. Then, new management took over and it went from bad to nightmarish. I spent a few weeks in residence after the whole operation went south. They used psychic munitions to incapacitate me. They strip-mined my brain, tried to turn me into their plaything. That didn't work out so well for them. I spent my whole life playing this game of hide-and-seek with my past. Trying to remember...forcing myself to forget...but this place haunts me. Quote2
Wolverine (Logan)

Appearing in "Rot (Part 1)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Lieutenant Granger (First appearance)
  • Detective Hicks (First appearance)
  • unnamed kid from the Bronx (First appearance)
  • Charlie Chainsaws (Only in recap)
  • FBI[1]

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Rot (Part 1)"

New York City. The Bronx. Detectives discover a killing spree, that seems to be considered a harvest. Police, discover a kid witnessed the killings and drew a picture of Wolverine as the killer. Later outside a bar (Dunwich, California), Logan gets a drink from a pretty waitress; he later leaves the bar. Moments soon after, Logan arrives at Dunwich Sanitorium, and his mental wounds begun to open as he walks into a disturbing part of his past; while facing some of Dr. Rots creations. However, before he (Logan) leaves discovers a file on Dr. Rot. Elsewhere, Kitty tells some detectives about Logan, and that as a headmaster he wouldn't do such a thing. (To Be Continued...)

Solicit Synopsis

• All New Jumping On Point!

• Written By Rising Star Cullen Bunn (Fear Itself: The Fearless, The Damned, The Sixth Gun)

See Also

Links and References

