Appearing in "A Place to Belong"
Featured Characters:
- Logan's Mutant Team
- Logan
- Creed
- Holo
- Bomb
- Yeti
- Shadowshift (Jamie Dansig) (First appearance) (Joins)
- Meteor (First appearance) (Joins)
- Scout (Josef Dansig) (First appearance) (Joins)
Supporting Characters:
- Namor
- Charles Xavier
- Forrest Goldendawn (First full appearance)
- F.B.I.
- Project Chimera
- Virus
- Mr. Trask
- Hartfield
- Kyle Dansig (First appearance) (Unnamed)
- Armored soldiers
- Mahoney
- Project Chimera
Other Characters:
- Agent Duncan
- Moira MacTaggert (Mentioned)
- Cain Marko (Mentioned)
- Virus's unnamed host (Death)
Synopsis for "A Place to Belong"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• Meet the scariest new X-villain- VIRUS! • Namor is recruited to be part of the FIRST X-MEN.
• Legend Neal Adams and fan-favorite Christos Gage continue the premiere X-Men mini of 2012!