An explorer in the Amazon Jungle comes across a group of Four-Armed aliens who were plotting to eventually conquer Earth. He managed to escape from them, but contracted a disease while leaving the Amazon.
While he was resting, a nurse was sent to him that the bodyguard suspected of being an alien in disguise. She got the drop on the bodyguard, but threw suspicion onto the unconscious bodyguard.
The explorer didn't fall for it, however, and asked her to retrieve his briefcase from the closet before the two of them head off the United Nations and brief them of the danger posed by the four-armed men. When the nurse entered the closet, he shoved her in, and locked the door while helping the recovering bodyguard to his feet.
They made their way to the car that would take them to the U.N. while the nurse pounded her four fists against the closet door in rage.[1]