Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "Evolution Revolution!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Irredeemable Ant-Man #5

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Synopsis for "Evolution Revolution!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Irredeemable Ant-Man #5
Franklin gets a hold of his father's evolution device and accidently de-evolves his father into a monkey who then de-evolves the rest of the Fantastic Four. Franklin asks H.E.R.B.I.E. for help but he gets de-evolved into a toaster. Franklin then uses the power of barter and trades the device for a banana. With the device in hand he re-evolves the Fantastic Four back to their normal selves, but he leaves H.E.R.B.I.E. as a toaster for the time being with his mom questioning where the "new toaster" came from.

Appearing in "Molecular Mayhem"

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  • Anti-Graviton Transport (Mentioned)
  • Subatomic Sled

Synopsis for "Molecular Mayhem"

Franklin wants his dad to take him to a new rollercoaster but he says he's to busy and instead asks Franklin to get him the Anti-Graviton Transport. Not paying attention Franklin and H.E.R.B.I.E. jump into the Subatomic Sled which takes them for a ride deep inside a subatomic world where they're forced for the journey to end. When the two get back his father changed his mind about taking him to the new rollercoaster but at this point Franklin just wants to sit still.

Appearing in "Hair Today"

Featured Characters:

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  • Sonic Tonic

Synopsis for "Hair Today"

Franklin's mom tells Franklin to go make himself look nice for picture day. Franklin attempts to cut his hair for said picture day but ends up making it worse. He and H.E.R.B.I.E. go to his father's lab and grab the Sonic Tonic which regrows his hair but way too much. They attempt to cut it shorter but it regrows so then they try to style it but nothing is working. So H.E.R.B.I.E. shaves Franklin's entire head and he gets his picture taken bald.

Appearing in "Rodent's Revenge"

Featured Characters:

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  • Intelligence Expander

Synopsis for "Rodent's Revenge"

Franklin is tired of his boring hamster and so he makes him smarter using his father's Intelligence Expander. This causes his hamster to dub himself the Hamster of Destruction and attack his "oppressors". His plan fails due to his lack of opposable thumbs causing H.E.R.B.I.E. and Franklin to have the upper hand and back him into a device that allows Sniffles to control the Baxter Building's weapons. All the weapons being used causes an electric feedback shocking Sniffles. H.E.R.B.I.E. and Franklin think the shock reverted his intelligence but in his cage Sniffles thinks to himself of vengeance and plans further plots.

Appearing in "Basket-Brawl!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Basketball Monsters

Other Characters:

  • Franklin's Basketball Team

Races and Species:



  • Psychic Projector

Synopsis for "Basket-Brawl!"

Franklin uses the Psychic Projector while playing his first game of Basketball. In doing so he turns all the basketballs into little monster. He uses the Psychic Projector to revert the basketballs back to their former selves as if nothing ever happened.

See Also

Links and References

