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Fantastic Four Presents Franklin Richards Vol 1 1 (Discuss).
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Appearing in "Microscopic!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #1

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Germ

Races and Species:




  • Micro-Pod (First appearance)

Synopsis for "Microscopic!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #1
Franklin attempts to get out of his homework by pretending to be sick. His mom believes he's faking and sends him to do his homework anyways. Franklin's homework is to study about the microscopic world so he concludes that he should do this so by using the Micro-Pod to explore it first hand. H.E.R.B.I.E. attempts to dissuade Franklin, but it's too late to change his mind as the two shrink and shoot into his dad's nose where Franklin is attacked by a germ. H.E.R.B.I.E. assists Franklin but are soon flung out of his dad's nose by his dad's own finger. The two regain their size only for Franklin to realize he's not actually sick and goes back to bed.

Appearing in "Tons of Fun!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #2

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom) (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Tons of Fun!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #2
Franklin uses the Matter Expander to make himself big so no one can tell him what to do. Upon using the Matter Expander however he becomes too big which causes H.E.R.B.I.E. to have to come to his rescue. When he reverts Franklin back he seems to be smaller than when he originally used the Matter Expander.

Appearing in "Veggin' Out!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #3

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Veggin' Out!"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #3
Franklin brings one of his dad's devices in for show and tell only to turn his entire class into fruits and vegetables. With H.E.R.B.I.E.'s assistance he is able to change them back with some minor differences.

Appearing in "Weather or Not"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #4

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Weather Generator

Synopsis for "Weather or Not"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Power Pack (Vol. 3) #4
Franklin and Johnny are about to use Reed's Weather Generator to go sledding in New York during the summer when Sue stops the two of them and orders Franklin to return the device to his father. Instead of doing that Franklin returns to his room and uses the device with H.E.R.B.I.E.. Franklin has fun at first before it starts to get out of hand. Soon after it stops leaving his room a mess just as Franklin's mom walks in, who scolds him for his unkept room.

Appearing in "Send In the Clones"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Jello Clones of Franklin Richards

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Send In the Clones"

Franklin uses his dad's cloning helmet to clone sentient jello clones of himself so they can go treat-or-treating while he is forced to stay home. When they return he realizes they act more like him then he bargained for as they start eating the candy and causing a mess. H.E.R.B.I.E. uses boiling water to revert them back to liquid form then the two clean up the gelatinous mess.

See Also

Links and References

