Marvel Database

Quote1 As paradoxical as it may sound, somewhere in that abominous form of yours there has to be some potential for... well, growth. Quote2
Dark Beast


Fred Dukes was one of the many mutants experimented on by the Dark Beast. With cybernetic implants the Beast increased Dukes' overall speed. Unable to handle the any more pain from Beast's experimentation, the savage Dukes broke free and attempted to kill the Beast. After being blasted by Havok the Blob dropped McCoy but wasn't stopped. It took a full power blast from Cyclops to defeat the massive mutant. Both members of the Elite Mutant Force warned the Beast that he should take better control of his experiments in the future.

Later, he returned as a member of the Sinister Six and fought the X-Men, during which he displayed the ability to manipulate gravity when he knocked the whole team off their footing. Though the X-Men defeated Sinister, Blob escaped.

Years later, when X-Force (from Earth-616) became stranded in his reality, Blob had become a member of The Black Legion. With his teammates, he assisted the transformed Weapon X in trying to stop X-Force from rescuing Gateway. Though he dispatched Iceman by crushing him, Psylocke was able to force him into jumping off a cliff, removing Blob from the fight. Unknown to the team, however, Blob was brought by Dark Beast back to their reality where he allied himself with the once-again evil Archangel. He battled X-Force once more, facing off against Fantomex and Deadpool. He landed atop Fantomex, forcing him up inside himself. While Deadpool battled Blob from without, shooting at him and stabbing him in the mouth, Wolverine appeared with a captive Famine, who used his powers to waste away Blob's body, leaving him a fleshy mess. Fantomex, greatly and understandably upset, escaped from the remains of Blob's body. Later, Dark Beast rescued Blob and the other minions of Archangel after seeing the tide of battle turn against them.

Blob remained on Earth-616 and joined the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants led by a newly resurrected Daken. Together with Brotherhood member Sabretooth he kidnapped Evan Sabahnur in order to make him their own Apocalypse.

Blob was killed by Nightcrawler, when he teleported a shark into his stomach, and it ate him from the inside.

See Also

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