Fredrich Roth gained notoriety during World War II as the notorious German pilot the Black Ace. Flying his customized Luftwaffe fighter, he was stationed at the Siegfried Line near France where the Nazis had a special ray weapon that could destroy Allied planes with no trace.
Eventually, the Allied forces sent their pilot Benjamin "Red" Ruff (also known as the Flying Flame) to investigate and destroy the weapon; however, there were spies at the Allied base that informed the Black Ace of the mission. The Black Ace captured and imprisoned Ruff, but not before revealing that there was a spy and showing off his super-weapon. The Black Ace then left Red alone to decide how to kill him in a satisfactory way.
This proved to be the Ace's undoing, as Red escaped from his cell and sabotaged the Nazi ray weapon. When Red returned to the Siegfried Line with an army of Allied fighters, the Ace was shocked when his orders to activate their secret weapon caused the device to explode. In a dog fight against the Flying Flame, the Black Ace was shot out of the sky and killed.[2]Paraphernalia
The Black Ace flew his own customized Luftwaffe fighter, painted black with skull and crossbones insignia on the side and a Nazi swastika on the tail.