Marvel Database

MJQuote1 I can't say goodbye, Peter... please, please don't make me... Quote2
PeterQuote1 ...MJ... Quote2
MJQuote1 Don't... I love you... I love you... don't go... please... Quote2
PeterQuote1 ...goodbye. Quote2
MJQuote1 Nooooo! Quote2

Appearing in "Bowing to the Inevitable"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Patrol cars
  • Ambulance

Synopsis for "Bowing to the Inevitable"

Before Morlun can kill Spider-Man, the police show up and Morlun leaves Spider-Man's bloody, unconscious body, planning to finally drain his life force when the hero is alone. Unable to guess his identity because of his wounds, the paramedics take the near-dead Spider-Man to the hospital, with the Avengers and Mary Jane Watson on the way as well when they hear what happened on television, and they learn that Spider-Man's injuries are too severe. After killing several cops, Morlun goes to the unconscious Spider-Man's hospital bed to finish him off, but MJ attempts to stop Morlun, who effortlessly throws her across the room and also breaks her arm. Peter suddenly wakes up, and using the last of his strength, the savage, animalistic spider-side of himself takes over (granting him sharp teeth and stingers in his wrists), and he attacks Morlun, pinning the villain and impaling his arms to the floor. Peter then bites into Morlun's neck, killing him. Reverting to normal, Peter says goodbye to MJ and slumps in MJ's arms - dead. As Aunt May and Mary Jane break down over the news, Iron Man takes Spider-Man's body, so that the public will not know that their beloved Spider-Man is dead.


  • Part Seven of "Spider-Man: The Other - Evolve or Die" storyline.

See Also

Links and References

