Marvel Database

Quote1 When I hear these f*cking pussies today, whining about Afghanistan or Iraq, how many we've lost? How many civilians we've wiped out? What we've doing to the region or what it says about us as a nation or when are we going to bring the troops home? I say- I have just one word for you stupid c*cksuckers: 'Nam. Quote2
Nick Fury

Appearing in "Mister Chained Blue Lightning"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Vietnamese Army

Other Characters:

  • Giap (Only in flashback)
  • Laotian Boy
  • Vietnamese Civilians
  • Vietnamese Hookers
  • American Soldiers
  • Khmer Rouge (Mentioned)
  • Ava (Mother of Hatherly's children) (Mentioned)
  • McDonnell Douglas (Mentioned)



Synopsis for "Mister Chained Blue Lightning"

Fury recalled Vietnam as the "greatest American f*ck-up of all time. As he tried to sleep, people from the reception appeared outside of his door and checked up on him, much to his annoyance.

In Vietnam, in 1970, Hatherly expressed to Fury that he felt out of shape and that he could be a hindrance since Cuba, as well as that Ava was pregnant again, but the former insisted that the latter remained the voice on the radio. As Fury walked into the bar, some patrons were talking about a marine in Hanoi who was Frank Castle.

Sometime later, Fury would go on missions with Castle. Fury was informed of an opportunity to take out a major enemy asset, who he later learned from a picture was General Letrong Giap, who the colonel last met when the Vietnamese man was a captain. According to intel, Giap's training improved North Vietnamese combat efficiency by thirty percent and that he would be at a training facility in Laos the next night. Fury's allies revealed that as soon as he reached the Laotian border, he would be on his own, as the mission would have to remain completely deniable.

While Fury went on his mission with Castle, he recalled a time when he had sex with Shirley, when she said Pug's name, which bothered him. Shirley revealed that Pug only went to whores and didn't know if he was aware of her own affairs. Shirley revealed that she had been following Pug around the world for twenty years and seeing that everywhere, the locals hate them. During their mission, Fury and Castle encountered a young local boy and decided to let him go, rather than killing him, tying him up, or taking him with them, despite the chance that he could give them away. Fury and Castle continued to walk before stopping when it got dark. The two placed claymores and trip flares and waited for N.V.A. soldiers to trigger them.

Solicit Synopsis

• Fury and his Castro-assassination team are captured in Cuba.

• Find out just how far Nick Fury will go for his country

See Also

Links and References

