Marvel Database


The Galadorians are a highly technologically advanced and resilient humanoid race with long lives spanning beyond two centuries. When their homeworld of Galador was threatened by the Dire Wraiths, the Prime Director called upon the youth to volunteer to sacrifice their humanity to become the cyborg warrior Spaceknights. These warriors were able to repel the invasion and eventually defeat the Wraiths by banishing them to Limbo. When Galactus relocated Galador to a location the First Generation Spaceknights did not know, the people of Galador created a more powerful Second Generation to protect their isolated homeworld. This second group turned renegade and sought to depopulate the planet but were ultimately defeated by Rom with the help of the Spaceknight Squadron. Soon after the climactic battle, the remainder of the First Generation arrived to find their stored humanity destroyed. They vowed to watch over their homeworld as Rom and the Earth woman Brandy Clark began to repopulate and rebuild Galador. Once the location of Galador was found, they began reestablishing communications with the lost colonies.[citation needed]

With Galador once again rebuilt and prospering, a Third Generation of Spaceknights were created. As a balance to the Spaceknights, the Galadorians once again launched their Armada to establish trade throughout the galaxy and bring gifts of enlightenment and technology. The Galadorians would take part in the Annihilation conflict and a few cadres were corrupted by the Phalanx and used in their conquest of Kree space which was ultimately thwarted. Brandy Clark serves as a Matriarchal Queen of the people in place of her missing husband Rom.[citation needed]

Powers and Abilities

Average Strength Level

Above Average


Level of Technology

Far superior to Earth's with faster than light travel and advanced exotic weaponry


See Also

Links and References

