Marvel Database


The alien known as Ganymede was just a little girl when she was chosen as a candidate to the Archsisterhood, an ancient order of celibate women who fought against oppression. She was then taken to one of the moons of Jupiter that had a secret base under the surface, where she was taught the ways the Archsisterhood and trained in the use of their traditional staff. Following a centuries-long war with Tyrant that resulted in his retreat, Ganymede and her fellow remaining sisters rested in cryosleep waiting in case he ever returned. After millennia, Ganymede was finally awaken, but discovered that almost all of the sisterhood had been killed by what she assumed had been accidents or simply systems malfunctions.[3][4][2]

Ganymede (Alien) (Earth-616) from Silver Surfer Vol 3 80 001

In stasis

As the sole survivor of the order, she took it upon herself to stop Tyrant and ended up befriending the Silver Surfer along the way, traveling with him to the Fortress, Tyrant's millennial base of operations. There, they were almost immediately knocked out by Tyrant and attached to a matrix (alongside Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill, Terrax, and Morg), so that Tyrant could harness their power to boost the energy of his soldiers. Shortly after, they were also joined by Jack of Hearts, who refused to be taken prisoner. To that end, he used a fail-safe device in his armor that unleashed a powerful burst of energy; he was left severely injured but successfully freed the others. They engaged in battle with Tyrant and his soldiers, but were unable to beat them. As everything seemed lost, Galactus arrived searching for his herald, Morg. Tyrant and Galactus had confronted each other in the distant past, so they were fully aware of the consequences a new confrontation would have. Feeling the time for it wasn't right, they reached an agreement: Tyrant would keep Morg as his source of energy, and the other would be free to go. As everyone went on separate paths, Ganymede decided to tend to the still-injured Jack of Hearts.[5]

She nursed him back to health and then took him to an idyllic unpopulated planet, which the Archsisterhood had used as a retreat during their conflict with Tyrant. After Jack confessed he had developed feelings for her, she told him she reciprocated those feelings and was willing to abandon her celibacy vote, now that the Archsisterhood was no more. However, the two were then attacked by a remnant of Tyrant's army and, despite easily defeating him, Ganymede realized her duty to her order wasn't finished as long as Tyrant lived, going back on her decision and keeping her vow. As a heartbroken Jack prepared to leave, she grabbed his shoulder and told him that just because she wouldn't break her vow "yet", that didn't mean she wanted to be alone, and so they remained together a while longer.[6]

Jonathan Hart (Earth-616) and Ganymede (Alien) (Earth-616) from Cosmic Powers Vol 1 3 cover

With Jack of Hearts

At one point, they traveled to the secret base where Ganymede had trained back when she was a candidate, to check if any of her sisters had taken shelter there, but only found the place in ruins and the remaining stasis modules with the dead bodies of her sisters. Suddenly, they were approached by Thanos and Terrax, who sought Ganymede for their own agenda. Without further explanation, Terrax attacked Ganymede while Thanos handled Jack. Ganymede successfully overpowered Terrax, but Thanos defeated Jack and then caught Ganymede off guard, knocking her out. They then took her unconscious, while Jack lay powerless on the floor, too weak to do anything about it.[4]

Ganymede initially refused to assist Thanos, despite his threats, but once he revealed he was after Tyrant she changed her posture and offered her full cooperation to see him dead. Once more, she traveled to his base, where they defeated Tyrant's guards, but a mind-controlled Morg attacked them. Terrax managed to free Morg of the control and he fled, just moments before the arrival of Jack of Hearts and Genis-Vell. Jack was ready to fight for the release of Ganymede, but he stopped with the revelation that she was willingly working with Thanos to stop Tyrant. Jack was quite shocked at first, but agreed to join them as well.[7]

When Tyrant arrived, however, he single-handedly overpowered them one-by-one, as Thanos fled the scene to seek a globe of power. By the time Thanos returned, only Ganymede was left standing and he shared with her that the Archsisterhood had had no role in the defeat of Tyrant before and that it had been Galactus who forced him into unknown space. Thanos also made clear he cared for no one present, at which point Ganymede attacked him for his betrayal, leading Thanos to blast her into unconsciousness. As Thanos and Tyrant then fought one another, the others recovered consciousness and left Thanos to his fate.[8]

Not long later, Ganymede and Jack of Hearts were attacked by Persephone, another surviving member of the Archsisterhood, as she caught them passionately kissing. Persephone and Ganymede then engaged in a duel, as they had done before, when they were training together, but they were stopped by Jakar, a powerful being who revealed that he had re-created Persephone and was hoping to enlist Ganymede's help in opposing a still standing Tyrant. Yet again, they traveled to Tyrants' Fortress and yet again they were betrayed by their allies after they had stolen one of Tyrant's globes of power, as Jakar teleported them away, keeping the globe for his own purposes. Persephone, which had also been sent away, then convinced Ganymede to break off her relationship with Jack, and to focus solely on Tyrant's demise.[9]

Ganymede (Alien) (Earth-616) from Scarlet Witch Vol 3 6 001

New Look

Years later, she found out that the death of her sisters hadn’t been an accident at all, but an intended genocide perpetrated by the rising Skrull Empire. Finding herself before the Scarlet Witch thanks to the Last Door, Ganymede told her of her discoveries and the two decided to meet Emperor Dorrek-Vell. After a small misunderstanding, he checked the Kree-Skrull archives and confirmed her kind had been the victim of a skrull extremist faction called the Blood Skrulls. He then shared with her their location and, together with the Scarlet Witch, she confronted them to finally get some closure.[2] Afterwards, she relocated to New Amazonia, under the care of Hippolyta. She dueled with Joseph during war games, when he and the Scarlet Witch visited New Amazonia.[10]

At some point, she traveled to the space resort Club Sol to meet the alien Drapurg, who wanted to hire her to lead his horde. While there, she had a surprise reunion with Jack of Hearts, who was there with She-Hulk on a romantic getaway. However, having spent ages apart, Jack and Ganymede were eager to reconnect, leaving She-Hulk feeling neglected.[11]

To complicate matters, when Drapurg crossed paths with She-Hulk, he instantly recognized her as the one to have thwarted his last invasion attempts and ordered Ganymede to attack her. She dropped everything and immediately complied, until Jack intervened and convinced her She-Hulk was one of the good guys. Ganymede then turned on Drapurg and apologized to She-Hulk before leaving with Jack. Still, Jack was now in love with She-Hulk, so he turned back almost immediately, as Ganymede left to parts unknown.[12]


Power Grid[15]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Several Forms of Combat:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Medium Range:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


  • Superhuman Strength: Ganymede possesses enhanced human strength and can lift (press) 50 tons.[13]
  • Superhuman Speed[13]
  • Superhuman Durability: Ganymede is superhumanly durable and can survive in space.[13]
  • Superhuman Reflexes[13]


  • Master Combatant: Ganymede is a highly adept combatant both armed and unarmed, and is proficient in the use of her staff.[13]
  • Multilingualism: She can instantly comprehend alien languages.[13]



  • Spinster Flight Belt[13]
    • Flight: The belt allows Ganymede warp-speed flight.[13]


  • Spinster Energy Staff[13]
    • Energy Projection: The staff is capable of firing powerful blasts of energy.[5]

See Also

Links and References

