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Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 We've heard rumors of your engine growling in the night--we knew it wouldn't be long before you found us. So we were ready. The big top is a place of wonders...where nothing is impossible. So expect the unexpected, Ghost Rider! What if the innocents who compel you to fight...are the monster you must now vanquish? Quote2

Appearing in "Blood Circus"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Biker Thug
  • Director Hamilton Crux (Mentioned)
  • God (Invoked)
  • Community Residents

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Blood Circus"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

They are all small towns. The kinds of places you'd never stop at except to get gas. Cars are abandoned. The houses and shops empty, the people seemingly vanished. Where did they go? The park might offer some clues. Among the peanut shells and abandoned stuffed animals, you can almost hear the music of the midway, the laughter — and the screams. Here is a blood-soaked flyer advertising a circus...of crime? Johnny Blaze is on their trail, just as Talia Warroad and the FBI close in on him, as a larger supernatural conspiracy begins to reveal itself.

See Also

Links and References

