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Quote1 This isn't a question of what I'm not. This is a question of who I could be. Quote2
Ms. Marvel

Appearing in "Moment of Clarity"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Sir Warren Traveler (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
  • Traveler's magic Dragon (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
  • Traveler's magic bull (First appearance) (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. (Only in flashback)
  • House of M / House of Magnus (Only in flashback) (Appears on screen)
  • Tony Stark (Only in flashback) (Appears on screen)
  • Mary Jane Watson (Only in flashback) (Appears on screen)
  • NYCPD (Named only)
  • Chewie (First appearance) (Unnamed) (Only in flashback)
  • Firefighters (First appearance)

Races and Species:




Events and Eras:

  • House of M
    • Magnus' rebellion against Humans (Homo sapiens) (Mentioned)

Synopsis for "Moment of Clarity"

Carol thinks back on her time as Captain Marvel during House of M, and decides to become the Best of the Best in her real reality as well.

Appearing in "Vengeance Is Mine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Captain Marvel #18

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Vengeance Is Mine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Captain Marvel #18
As Yon-Rogg once more plots against Mar-Vell, Mar-Vell takes Rick Jones to the nearest city, and allows Rick to switch places. Entering into a bar, Rick finds the desire to play music for the audience and manages to convince the music act to let him have a go on stage. The crowd reaction is mixed, and Rick is forced to knock out a heckler in the crowd. However Rick grabs the attention of music promoter Mordacai P. Boggs who offers to set Rick up with gigs and promote him, an offer which Rick declines. Afterwards, Mar-Vell deduces the location of Yon-Rogg and Rick switches places so they can go into action as Captain Marvel. Yon-Rogg has taken Carol to another abandoned Kree outpost on Earth, where there is a Psyche-Magnatron, a device that has long since been banned by the Kree empire. Yon-Rogg uses the device to create a Mandroid robot. When Mar-Vell arrives to save Carol, he has to face both the Mandroid and Yon-Rogg. During the battle Carol is injured and the Psyche-Magnatron damaged. Mar-Vell destroys the Mandroid and manages to escape as the Psyche-Magnatron explodes, killing Yon-Rogg in the process, but Mar-Vell manages to get far enough away that he is only mildly stunned by the blast. With the battle over, Mar-Vell changes places with Rick, who is just as physically exhausted as Mar-Vell and collapses on the ground.

Appearing in "This Woman, This Warrior!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #1

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "This Woman, This Warrior!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #1
A new super-hero has appeared in New York City, Ms. Marvel, who has been seen breaking up a crime in progress being conducted by the Scorpion. Carol Danvers, former NASA chief of security has also come to New York and has been plagued with a series of black-outs, and unknown to her, she is really Ms. Marvel. She has taken up a new job as editor of the Daily Bugle's Woman Magazine, a magazine which publisher J. Jonah Jameson doesn't care for overly much.

On the job she meets with Peter Parker and his girlfriend Mary Jane, whom she invites over before having another fainting spell. Changing into Ms. Marvel she arrives back at the Bugle just after Jonah was kidnapped by the Scorpion who has come to get revenge against the publisher for his role in the creation of the Scorpion.

Ms. Marvel arrives and easily defeats the Scorpion and rescues Jameson from sudden doom. The next day, as she reports to work as Carol Danvers, Carol finds that Jonah hasn't been enriched by his experience of being rescued from a female super-hero. Retiring to her office, Carol begins to wonder which is more of an enigma -- Carol Danvers with her blackouts and headaches, or Ms. Marvel the new super-hero she's been charged with writing reports about for Woman Magazine.

Appearing in "Enigma of Fear!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #2

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Enigma of Fear!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #2
Continued from last issue... AIM is furious over the Scorpion's defeat at the hands of Ms. Marvel, and as they try to heal the Scorpion, they send their agent Kerwin Korman (now wearing a mind-blast helmet and calling himself the Destructor) decides to investigate Ms. Marvel's apparent Kree origins. Which takes him to the cavern where Captain Marvel had his last battle with Yon-Rogg.

Meanwhile, the Scorpion breaks loose and escapes AIM, and Carol Danvers has another lunch date with Mary Jane where she talks of her experiences and adventures with Captain Marvel. After another fainting spell, Carol goes to see her doctor Michael Barnett, who hypnotizes her and learns of her being a hostage of Yon-Rogg and being pulled out of a cavern after the psychemagnatron explodes, and how she subconsciously knows that she is Ms. Marvel.

Dr. Benette doesn't believe it at first, when suddenly Carol faints and transforms into Ms. Marvel right in front of him and takes off. She is drawn to the Scorpion, who is on a rampage and easily subdues him. However, the Destructor arrives and attacks her with his mind-blasts. The fight ends with the two knocking each other out.

This story is continued next issue...

Appearing in "The All-New Ms. Marvel"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #20

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




  • Cole's Jeep
  • A.P.C. Battle Tanks (Destroyed)

Synopsis for "The All-New Ms. Marvel"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Ms. Marvel #20
Having fashioned a new costume as Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers is interrupted when Frank Gianelli arrives with some troubling news. He tells her of how Sharon Cole, one of Woman Magazine's reporters sent out to New Mexico, has gone missing and all that has been found was her tape recorder, with a message that suggests that something has captured her out in the desert.

Going to investigate, she finds that the military is not interested in speaking to her, and so she has a police officer take her out to the site where Sharon disappeared. There, Carol finds a number of destroyed military vehicles along with Sharon's car. When the police officer disappears, Carol transforms into Ms. Marvel.

This is in the neck of time, as she is quickly attacked by members of the Lizard People race, after a battle their leader Aracht'yr determines her to be unique among the humans they have encountered to date, and as the dawn rises he tells his soldier Haemon to knock her out. Haemon complies with an eye beam blast that is strong enough to render Ms. Marvel unconscious. The Lizard People then take her to their home, a secret civilization hidden in the mountains of the New Mexico desert.

This story is continued next issue...

See Also

Links and References

