Marvel Database


In his killing and robbing spree (under contract with Konrad Kharkov), Slaymaster ironically attacked Lady Gila with a giant mutant Gila monster, allowing him to steal the Golden Griffin statuette desired by Kharkov.[2]

Captain Britain entered the room only to find Lady Gila dead, and was knocked out by Slaymaster and left at the mercy of his mutant Gila monster.[2]

The police soon entered as Britain was awakening. He was able to use his Star Sceptre to produce a force field and repulse the beast, then informed the policemen intending to arrest him of what had truly happened, leaving them to deal with the Gila monster.[1]

Its following fate is unknown.



That Gila monster was giant and mutant, with a deadlier and faster-acting venom than those of its kind.[2]

See Also

Links and References

