Marvel Database


As a native of the mutant-controlled planet Haven, Giraud was a member of the resistance fighting a never-ending battle against the Nine. The Guardians of the Galaxy arrived on the planet to help the colony escape before the planet's core erupted.[1]

At the urging of Starhawk, Giraud was empowered by the Phoenix to help save Haven. He utilized his newly-won Phoenix powers to transport the populace of Haven to Mainframe's world of Klatuu. He then joined the Guardians of the Galaxy as a reserve member.[2]

Giraud was later afflicted by a psychic virus. After destroying several planets, he was able to rehabilitate himself with the help of the Phoenix.[3]

Giraud was also instrumental in the defeat of the Ubiquitor when she attempted to destroy reality and remake it in her own image. Though not able to defeat the woman by himself, he was able to augment the Phoenix Force's power through Mjolnir, given to him by Woden, Son of Thor.[4]


Power Grid[9]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Virtually Unlimited:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Virtually Indestructible:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


  • Phoenix Force: Possessed by the Phoenix Force, Giraud has vast cosmic powers.[5]
    • Matter Trasmutation: Giraud can controls matter on a molecular level, allowing him to manipulate atomic structures.[6]
    • Energy Manipulation: He can generate and absorb any form of energy in seemingly unlimited scale and turn his form into pure energy at will.[6]
    • Interstellar Travel: He can live in any environment without harm and travel through space at near light speed.[7]
    • Dimensional Travel: He can open time/space warps to travel into other dimensions or realities.[6]
    • Cosmic Pyrokinesis: The Phoenix Force can manifest itself around him as an enormous bird of cosmic flame when Giraud uses his powers extensively.[7]
    • Invulnerability: Giraud was completely unhurt after taking heavy artillery fire.[7]
    • Telekinesis: Giraud made a Battle Sphere explode with a wave of his hand.[7]


  • Klaatu was formerly a citizen of Haven before its destruction. New Haven is a colony on Mainframe's home planet of Klaatu.
  • In Galactic Guardians #1, Mainframe announced that, since Giraud was the ninth sentient being since Jean Grey of Twentieth Century Earth to host the Phoenix Power, the Galactic Guardians would henceforth call him "Phoenix IX." When typically counting, the ninth after the first is the tenth, which would have made Giraud's new alias "Phoenix X." However, since Mainframe has a computer brain, he counted Grey as number 0, which is a common way for programming languages to begin sequences.

See Also

Links and References

Phoenix IX at Wikipedia

