Marvel Database


The Elderspawn are the offspring of the Elder Gods,[1] and by extension the spawns of their spawns.

The Elderspawn includes:

Chthon's creations such as Dragonus, Dwarf, Hellhound, the Midwife, Monstrosity, Nezaral, Troids, Whisperer, and Wish-Demon were stated to be either his spawn or magical creations.[1] Another statement list the Hellhound as one of the Wolf Lords of the Wolf-Men,[3] and as such an Elderspawn.

The Elderspawn are considered elder races,[3][8] and are sometimes collectively referred to as "the Elder Race",[9]


The Elderspawn are the offspring of the Elder Gods, the spawns of the Demiurge.

When Set killed and absorbed Hyppus' life energy, all of the Elder Gods, save for Oshtur (who was exploring the universe at that time) and Gaea (who cared for the new liforms in Earth's oceans), began preying on each other. Gaea summoned the Demiurge, mated with him, birthing the first of he new gods, Atum. Atum slew the demonic Elder Gods, turning into the Demogorge and causing Set and Chthon to flee..

Afterwards, some of Elderspawn remained, returned, or were birthed.[1]


The Elder Race, a seemingly humanoid race that predated humanity, and was composed of numerous wizards,[10] has been speculated to be descended from Elderspawn.[1]


(See Also: Elder Gods, Elder Race, Elder Races

  • Appearance(s) of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.
  • Handbook Appearance(s) of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.
  • Minor Appearances of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.
  • Mentions of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.
  • Handbook Mentions of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.
  • Invocations of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.
  • Images of Elderspawn whose exact affiliation or classification (if any) is unknown.)
  • 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities #1 ; Demons's profile
  • 2.0 2.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #3 ; Damballah's profile
  • 3.0 3.1 3.2 Marvel Tarot #1 ; Wolf Book
  • Crypt of Shadows #4 ; Brick By Brick
  • Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 ; Magic
  • Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1 ; Werewolf's profile
  • 7.0 7.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #13 ; Werewolves' profile
  • Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2 ; Chthon's profile
  • Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 2) #1
  • Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities #1 ; Set's profile
  • [top] [Edit Elderspawn]
