Appearing in "The Mega-Monsters from Beyond! Part One: The Beta-Beast!"
Featured Characters:
- Godzilla (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Betans (First appearance)
- Betan Commander (First appearance) (Unnamed)
- Yetrigar (Only in flashback)
- Beta-Beast (First appearance; dies)
- Mega-Monsters (First appearance)
- Warlords of Mega (First appearance) (Unnamed) (Voice only)
Other Characters:
Races and Species:
- Mutated prehistoric giant Reptiles
- Humans
- Betans (First appearance)
- Megans (First appearance)
- Four unidentified alien species of "war-monsters"
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- Arizona (Main story and flashback)
- Grand Canyon (Main story and flashback)
- Utah
- Salt Lake City (Seen but not named in story)
- Arizona (Main story and flashback)
- Earth Orbit
- Moon
- Betan Base (First appearance)
- Moon
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- Beta (Mentioned)
- Megan (Mentioned)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. shuttle-craft
Synopsis for "The Mega-Monsters from Beyond! Part One: The Beta-Beast!"
As both the Godzilla Squad and Robert in the Red Ronin speed after Godzilla, the King of Monsters is suddenly transported to the Moon. There Godzilla fights a creature known as the Beta-Beast, eventually destroying it with his powerful fire breath.
Following the creature's defeat, Godzilla is confronted by the beings who transported him to the Moon: aliens from the planet Beta. These Betans appeal to Godzilla, telling the monster that their world has been at war against the Megans for centuries, with both sides using giant monsters as weapons against each other. The last battle almost destroyed the Betans but they managed to keep that fact a secret so the Megans still believe the balance of power remains the same. Needing raw materials to continue to fight the Betans, the Megans have sent their three most powerful war-monsters -- Triax, Rhiahn and Krollar -- to Earth in order to plunder it.
With Godzilla accepting the mission, he is transported back to Earth just as the Red Ronin is confronted by the first of the invaders: Triax.
- In this issue, the Betans from Beta refer to their rival planet as "Megan" but it is called "Mega" beginning with the next issue.
- The only Megan seen in this issue is a projected image shown to Godzilla by the Betans. Rob Takiguchi later hears the telepathic "voice" of the Warlords of Mega in his head but they don't reveal their identity until the next issue.