Marvel Database


Gopher Baroque was an artist who created a new chemical with his chemistry set, that spilled onto his hand that first turned his paw to stone, which then spread to the rest of his body. Using this he found everything he touched turned to stone and dubbed himself The Grey Gopher. He went to the local part and began turning civilians to stone and planned to use them for his new exhibition. Captain Americat arrived to find where people were disappearing too and was turned to stone by the Gopher himself. Taking him to his studio, he found that Captain Ameri-cat and several overs were his staue slaves and put them to use as putting on a dance show to earn money. At the end of the show, Captain Americat returned to normal as the Gopher realised his power was only temporary and so he was arrested. [1]

When all the super-powered beings were captured by the Bee-Yonder for his Secret Furs, this included Paw who was seen being attacked by the Hulk Bunny.[2]

See Also

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