Circa 50,000 BC, early humanity existed as the thick haired Shaggy Ones, the apish Hairy Ones, the brain-eating Goreks, and the Hairless Ones, progenitors of the Cro-Magnons [src]
The Goreks were a tribal species of early humans that existed in the year 50,000 BC. They were a known for their consumption of brains.[1] When the cave boy Tuk began his quest to find his home Attilan he would run into a pack of Goreks who attacked him. Tuk was rescued by the Cro-Magnon man known as Tanir who slew the Goreks attacking the boy.[2]
Further accounts of Gorek activities are unrecorded, and it is likely they are long extinct.Habitat
Level of Technology
Primitive, Stone-Age making simple weapons using stone (such as spears)[2]
Cultural Traits