Marvel Database


Grott was used as a pawn by the Prime Mover in his contest with the Grandmaster for control of the Earth. Grott had to battle the Hulk, and thought he had defeated him as well, until the Hulk climbed up through a pile of rubble and knocked him out.[1]



  • Solar Energy Conversion: Like all Grunds, Grott has the ability to convert solar energy through his antennae and transform it into psychokinetic force.[2]
    • Psychokinesis: Grott can project his psychokinetic energy in the form of superhuman strength, an impenetrable force field or telekinesis.[2]
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Without their antennae, Grunds are powerless, but they are able to regrow their antennae in about a year.[2]

See Also

Links and References

