Appearing in "The Stuff What Don't Get Spoke"
Featured Characters:
- Clint Barton (Main story and flashback) (Revealed to be alive)
Supporting Characters:
- Barney Barton (Main story and flashback) (Revealed to be alive)
- Clint Barton's neighbors
- "Tracksuit Mafia"
- Ivan Banionis
- Unnamed members
- The Clown (Kazi Kazimierczak)
Other Characters:
- Edith Barton (Only in flashback)
- Harold Barton (Only in flashback)
- Jessica Drew (Behind the scenes)
- Daily Bugle (Named only)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and flashback)
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- Iowa (Only in flashback)
- Waverly (Only in flashback)
- New York
- New York City
- Queens
- Brooklyn
- Bedford-Stuyvesant
- Little Irkutsk
- New York City
- Iowa (Only in flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
Synopsis for "The Stuff What Don't Get Spoke"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
“Rio Bravo” - PART 4
• The sense-shattering fallout of the Clint vs. the Clown -- Clint Barton has been deafened!
• With the Barton Brothers this battered and bloodied, surely they’ll make easy pickins for the Bros, right? Bro? Seriously?
• If we do our jobs right THIS time, this issue will be the Dog Issue of Sign Language issues.Notes
- Most of the dialogue of this issue is delivered via sign language.
- Here is a translation for the dialogue in sign language.
- This issue is dediated to Leah. Leah Coleman is a 17-year-old Utah resident, whose mother worked with writer Matt Fraction for this issue.[1]