Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Bulldozer and the Wrecking Crew came to the town of Horse Creek because the citizens weren't able to supply Lord Doom with a tribute for the last two months. They were about to make an example out of the townsfolk when they were interrupted by the members of the Star-Lord.

During the fight, Bulldozer attacked an unarmed man who was protecting some children. He rammed his metal helmet at the man breaking his skull and smashing his face in, killing him. This prompted Star-Lord to threaten Bulldozer with a huge blast cannon. He shot him in the head, but the bullet bounced off his helmet, which enraged Bulldozer to start rushing towards Rocket. All of a sudden Star-Lord cannon launched a grenade into Bulldozer's mouth, which blew apart his head.[1] Due to delusion, Star-Lord believed for a time that it was Rocket Raccoon that killed Bulldozer.[2]

See Also

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