Appearing in "The New Labors of Hercules (Part 4)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Filming crew
- Gordon Allsworth
- ⏴ Robert ⏵
- James/Jimmy the Cameraman
- New Avengers
- Olympus Group
- Eurystheus
- Mole Man (Harvey Elder)
- Moloids
- Phil (First appearance)
- Giganto's brothers
- Doombots
- ⏴ Achelous ⏵
Other Characters:
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Fates (Invoked)
- King Diomedes (Cameo) (Only in flashback)
- Man-eating Mares (Cameo) (Only in flashback)
- Fantastic Four (Appears on screen)
- Invisible Woman (Susan Richards) (Appears on screen)
- Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (Appears on screen)
- Thing (Ben Grimm) (Appears on screen)
- Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) (Appears on screen)
- Giganto (Appears on screen)
- Amazons (Drawing)
- Hippolyta (Drawing)
- Geryon (Drawing)
- Red Cattle of Geryon (Drawing)
- Dr. Doom (Victor von Doom) (Drawing)
- Cerberus (Carving)
- Helios (Mentioned)
- Beyoncé (Mentioned)
- Ceryneian Hind (Mentioned)
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- Thor (Mentioned)
- Hesperides (Mentioned)
- Ladon (Mentioned)
- Megara (Mentioned)
- Hercules and Megara's children (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Olympians
- Humans
- Moloids
- Deviant Mutates
- Mutants
- Human-Olympian Hybrids
- Robots
- Horses (Cameo)
- Cows (Drawing)
- Asgardians (Mentioned)
- "Sabretoothed Cats" (Mentioned)
- Dragons (Mentioned)
- Deer (Mentioned)
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Financial District
- Wall Street
- Olympus Group Corporate Headquarters (Unnamed)
- Wall Street
- Midtown
- Financial District
- Manhattan
- New York City
- Hawaii
- New York
- United States of America
- Hades (Mentioned)
- Captain America's Shield
- Captain America's Uniform
- Extremis Armor
- Golden Girdle (Drawing)
- Hera's Golden Apples (Drawing)
Synopsis for "The New Labors of Hercules (Part 4)"
The Olympians, now on Earth, are there because of what happened to the Asgardians. They vote and decide that Hercules should not be aided by any of them, in his new labors. His next task, is to capture three of Mole Man's monsters, which he does fairly easily. He then must steal the shield of Captain America. He does so, but Cap stops them from going after him because he feels Hercules needs it more. For the next labor, he must steal a Doombot from Latveria, and then steal a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. Both of which are completed. For the final task, Eurystheus tells Hercules that he must travel to Hades and retrieve a flower from his wife, whom Hercules had murdered.