The creature known as Horde is a collective being made up of several inhabitants living in the town of Stoneridge, New Mexico consisting of Horacio Carrenas, Elmira Phillips, Joe Famiglia, Floyd Henderson, Bacon the Dog, and other unidentified individuals. While protesting against the local law enforcement after their apartment building was condemned, Leader activated his Gammaworld dome fusing the individuals together. The only thought they had was sticking together. Leader took advantage of that and told them that a pack of aliens were moving the rest of the civilians out of town. Determined to keep the rest of the civilians in the dome, Horde attacked the Warbound.[1]
During Horde's fight with the Warbound, Hiroim used his powers to blast it away.[2]
Horde later returned with an army of mind-controlled humans who are ready to destroy the Warbound for Leader. After Leader was defeated, the humans were free from the mind-control. Leader then teleported away leaving the Warbound, Horde, and the remaining humans still in the Gammaworld dome.[3]Attributes
Superhuman Strength: Horde demonstrated that it had superhuman strength.
Superhuman Durability: Horde is highly resistant to injury.See Also
- 3 appearance(s) of Horde (Gammaworld) (Earth-616)
- 2 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Horde (Gammaworld) (Earth-616)
- 1 image(s) of Horde (Gammaworld) (Earth-616)