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Appearing in "Circus Maximus"

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Synopsis for "Circus Maximus"

Howard has a bad dream where a court, judged by Beverly and watched by a jury of many Howards, over the charges about if he's negative. After the kangaroo court session's sentencing, Howard -- angry -- exclaims that he's not negative, he's angry.

He is suddenly awoken by Lee who has just arrived and Howard and Iris decide to leave the hospital in order to track down the Circus of Crime and bring them down. Meanwhile, in Dr. Bong's castle, Beverly has finally adjusted to her married life and is thankful to Dr. Bong into forcing her to marry him. However, she begins to have second thoughts when Bong tells her that he intends to hunt down and kill Howard.

Meanwhile, Howard and Iris have tracked down the Circus of Crime and take pictures of them robbing people during one of their acts. When they are spotted, Howard and Iris fight off the Circus members with ease, Howard then leaves Iris with the evidence against the Circus of Crime while Howard decides to wander off to Cleveland alone to mull over his memories of the place.

See Also

Links and References

