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Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Origin of Howard the Duck"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Origin of Howard the Duck"

Briefly recounts the origin of Howard, his birth, menial jobs on Duckworld and glosses over the fact that he was transported to Earth due to a cosmic axis shift.

Appearing in "Going Underground"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Phage
  • Gopher (First appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Quack-Fu


Synopsis for "Going Underground"

While hitchhiking, Howard is picked up by a trucker named Ceci Ryder, a country girl with a semi-rig that has all the amenities of home. Howard recounts for Ceci his many adventures and the eventual dissolution of his relationship with Beverly, which is why he is hitchhiking.

Making a bathroom break on the side of the road, Howard and Ceci realize that the entire area is full of fake trees and AstroTurf. Deciding to investigate further, the two fall into a hole in the ground and find a secret city. Being chased by the locals they hide out in the city hall building where they are exposed to a plot masterminded by Morton Erg to strip the planet of all its resources and just use artificial replacements.

When the try to stop Erg's plan, they soon realize their folly: That Erg has once been exposed to radiation and can mutate into a giant mutant gopher.

Fleeing from the Gopher, Howard is inspired by Ceci recounting how her father used to drown gophers by flooding their dens back home. Howard then tricks the Gopher to dig his way into a nearby lake and is drowned by the inrushing water. Afterwards, Howard and Ceci turn over evidence about Erg and his group to the local Park Committee member, who unknown to them is also a member of Erg's group.

A few days later, Howard awakens to find himself in Ceci's destination city: Cleveland.

See Also

Links and References

