Marvel Database

Quote1 Lady! Please! Let's talk! I have no idea who you are! Also I don't want you to kill me. There. All the cards are on the table! Quote2
Howard the Duck

Appearing in "Our World"

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  • Uru zirconia action figures (Destruction)


Synopsis for "Our World"

Ten months ago, on Collecton, a Gatherer briefed the Collector on the aftermath of Howard's and Rocket's escape and revealed that they were able to clone the two and create Shocket and Linda. The Collector instructed Gatherer D-3X to watch over the two clones.

Six months ago, Linda and Shocket noticed that there was nobody else on Collecton like them. Later, while everyone was sleeping Gatherer D-3X took the two to a lab for tests. Linda refused to be injected with a needle and stabbed a guard with a pen, so he hit her and drew out a weapon, leading to a fight between him and Dee, ending with Shocket shooting the guard with his own weapon. Collecton was put on alert and Dee, Linda, and Shocket escaped on a ship.

Three months ago, on Souqlon, Dee spotted another Gatherer, so he planted an Infiniberry in his pocket and accused him of stealing it, giving the escapees more time to hide. Then, the three visited a female named Multo and paid credits to use a time machine. As Gatherers were about to break open her door, Multo sent the three back in time.

While traveling twenty-five years into the past, the three met the Silver Surfer and vaguely explained how they got there and vaguely revealed his future to him, as well.

Five years ago, Linda, and Shocket smuggled one ton of uru zirconia figurines through the Tranta system, but their client Jarax refused to pay, as the boxes were all damaged. Jarax agreed to give them 30,000 credits in exchange for new boxes, but when he recognized Dee, he shot him. Linda and Shocket dragged him onto their ship and escaped, but he died onboard.

Eight months ago, Linda and Shocket visited the Oracle of Omega, who revealed that what they needed was a Nexus of Realities.

Now, one of the Gatherers informed the Collector that they had located Howard, Linda, and Shocket.

Appearing in "Ms. Poole if You're Nasty (Part Two of Three)"

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Synopsis for "Ms. Poole if You're Nasty (Part Two of Three)"

After Black Cat instructed Howard to find Gwenpool, Howard found the latter female in his office and she chased him, while shooting at him.

Earlier, at Big Ronnie's Custom Battle Spandex, Ronnie sewed a costume for Gwen Pool and read her name as "Gwenpool."

Gwenpool revealed that she stole a sample of an unstoppable humanity-destroying virus that Black Cat acquired and sold it to Hydra, so she and Howard decided to steal it back from them, as the Avengers were busy in space.

Solicit Synopsis

• “Our World.”

• Plus, a new Gwenpool story!

See Also

Links and References

