Marvel Database

Quote1 Ms. Thompson, after much consideration, I've decided to take your case! Quote2
Howard the Duck

Appearing in "Leah Thompson Needs Help"

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Synopsis for "Leah Thompson Needs Help"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Howard is back in NEW YORK CITY! And on his strangest case yet: A missing person! His client? The missing person! WHAAA—?

• Join us as Howard encounters aliens, Brooklyn and network television with a SPECIAL GUEST STAR so SHOCKING that I am STILL SHOCKED that we’re ALLOWED TO DO THIS.



  • The issue has an extended meta-commentary on Howard the Duck's comics. Between eventful years he would have dry spells, which Mojo tried to fix by filming staged footage with someone in a duck costume (a reference to the Howard the Duck movie) acting alongside Lea Thompson as Beverly Switzler (who did portray the film version of Beverly in said movie). Mojo even mentions that before the recent run, Howard's popularity was "the equivalent of a post-credits cameo" (a reference to Howard's appearance in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie post-credits scene).
  • It is revealed at the end of the issue that Joe Quinones gave Leah Thompson the un-coloured last page of the previous issue.

See Also

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