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Marvel Database

Quote1 "Emerald Emissary" Quote2
"Emerald Emissary" (Jen Walters)




Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Season 1 Episode 15 "Galactus Goes Green" Clip

Galactus arrives on Earth where he lands on Las Vegas in order to consume Earth. After Terrax was defeated, Galactus revoked his Power Cosmic and transformed She-Hulk into the Emerald Emissary with it. The Agents of S.M.A.S.H. had to fight Galactus to keep him from consuming Earth. Following She-Hulk taking a dive in her fight against Terrax, Galactus returned the Power Cosmic to Terrax who takes Galactus to an uninhabited planet as part of the deal that She-Hulk made with Terrax.


  • The episode was shown as a bonus feature in the "Avengers Assemble: Assembly Required" DVD Set.


  • In an interesting note, when throwing off Galactus, Hulk states that he always bets on Green. Green on a Roulette Wheel is 00 and can only win if one bets on it directly as it is not included in generalized odds or evens bets.

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