Hydra is a renegade military organization led by the Red Skull who is obsessed with harnessing magical artifacts in his bid to take over the world. Additionally, Hydra wa the advanced science branch for the Third Reich, in Germany during World War II.
At some point during the war, Hydra invaded Transylvania, which led to Dracula allying himself with Captain America.[1]
In 1944, the time traveling Leader allied himself with Hydra and used his knowledge about the Gamma radiation to transform the Red Skull into the Hulk-sized Green Skull. The Green Skull then manages to overwhelm Captain America and the time traveling Hulk. This created an alternate future where Hydra, led by the Leader, ruled the world. However, that reality was erased from existence when Captain America managed to free Hulk who turned the Gamma Siphoner onto Green Skull, regressing him back to Red Skull. Hulk then defeated Red Skull, and Leader escaped into another year.[2]
After the war Hydra become a terrorist group and long-time enemy of the task force S.H.I.E.L.D..[3]Paraphernalia
See Also
- 51 appearance(s) of Hydra (Earth-12041)
- 2 minor appearance(s) of Hydra (Earth-12041)
- 11 mention(s) of Hydra (Earth-12041)
- 3 image(s) of Hydra (Earth-12041)
- 14 member(s) of Hydra (Earth-12041)