Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

The Hyrkanian Steppes, or Zarfhaana Steppes (hinting the relation to the Pre-Cataclysmic Age kingdom of Zarfhaana),[10] was the great treeless part of Hyrkania,[3] a large area of steppes, spanning from the inland Vilayet Sea at west to the Great Wall of Khitai.[13][10]

Southwards, the Hyrkanian Steppes gave way to foothills, then to the Talakma Mountains.[7]



After the Great Cataclysm (18,000 BC), the Thurian Age nation of Zarfhaana seemingly became the Hyborian Age region known as the Zarfhaana Steppes,[10] or Hyrkanian Steppes,[9] from where the Hyrkanians rose (seemingly from the Lemurians[14][4] and Zarfhaanans).[15]

10,100 BC[]

More than a century before the Age of Conan, Hyperborea's Queen Vammatar's agents in the Hyrkanian Steppes found the Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath.[9]

Age of Conan (10,000 BC)[]

The Turanian troops sent to invade Vendhya were sent from Secunderam.[16]

Points of Interest

The Turanian citadel of Fort Ghori lied southeast of the Vilayet Sea, at the edge of the Hyrkanian Steppe, guarding the eastern caravan route.[2]


Lupara, member of the group of all-female bounty hunting group known as the Iron Damsels, was originated from the wild Hyrkanian Steppes.[8]

The Kuigar nomads were a sizable tribe of the Hyrkanian Steppe.[5]

See Also

Links and References

