Marvel Database

Real Name: Ikthalon
Nicknames: No known nicknames
Former Aliases: No known former aliases
Other Current Aliases: Ikkthalon


Occupation: Ruler of Boreas
Legal Status: Legal status unknown
Identity: Secret
Marital Status: Marital status unknown
Group Affiliation: Legions of Boreas
Base of Operations: Boreas (also known as the Ice World of Ikthalon)


Ikthalon is an extradimensional demonic entity of ice.

Place of Birth: Boreas Dimension
Known Relatives: Possibly the Legions of Boreas
First Appearance: Marvel Spotlight I#14 (March, 1974)


Ikthalon is a being of ice. He also seems to gravitate towards those who dislike change. He was summoned by a Gateway University professor. Strange occurences began happening in the Communications building, until several icy beings were sighted and the entire building became frozen.

Another faculty member, Katherine Reynolds, called Daimon Hellstrom to investigate. He incsribed a special ankh at the building designed to contain the creatures to the building. He was soon attacked and drawn into Boreas by the Legion. He dropped his trident during the battle. Hellstorm was left in Boreas as the ice creatures and Ikthalon returned to Earth.

Katherine and a janitor investigated the building despite Daimon's warning. They accidentally removed the ankh and were attacked. Hellstorm was drawn back to Earth by Katherine attempting to pick up the trident.

He agreed to allow Ikthalon free reign to free the others. He blasted Ikthalon with hellfire, telling the being not to trust the son of a 'great deceiver.'

Ikthalon's power has been invoked in the spells "Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon" (used against Clea)and the "Wrath of the Chill Ikthalon" (used by a novice sorceror to challenge Doctor Strange).


Height: x'xx"
Weight: xxx lbs (xxx kg)
Eyes: Eye colour unknown
Hair: none
Skin: Ice
Unusual Features: Appears to be made out of ice


Known Powers:

  • Generate ice and freezing winds.
  • While in Boreas, he seems immune to even the most potent conventional and magical flames

Limitations: Vulnerable to fire and warmth when not in Boreas.

Known Abilities: No known abilities.
Strength Level: Strength level unknown


Equipment: No known equipment.
Transportation: No known transportation.
Weapons: No known weapons.


  • No special notes.


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