Once, I was Prince Otherone--humble and unassuming son of legendary space royalty! Then I ate a purple rock that gave me big muscles fast--and in so doing, I became a true hero! Also I accidentally blew up my home planet. But! After being trained by even truer heroes and also a talking rabbit, I learned that physique isn't everything! So now I want to be defined by my noble deeds--not by my unbelievably perfect pecs, abs and lats! And that's why... I put on a shirt!
Appearing in "The Idiot Abroad"
Featured Characters:
- Thor (Main story and recap)
- Powerstone/Apex (Prince Otherone)
Supporting Characters:
- Champion of the Universe (Tryco Slatterus)
- Zoffy (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Psycho 77 (Mentioned)
- The Dread Droid (Mentioned)
- Slamm Sickhouse, the Walking Black Hole (Mentioned)
- Killkrab (First appearance; dies)
- Galactus (Galan of Taa) (Mentioned)
- Living Tribunal (Adam Warlock) (Mentioned)
- Gaea (Mentioned)
- Utgard-Thor (Toranos) (Only in recap)
- Enchantress (Amora) (Mentioned)
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- Sif the All-Seeing (Mentioned)
- Queen Regalia (Referenced)
- Hercules (Mentioned)
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Mentioned)
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton) (Mentioned)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) (Mentioned)
- Odin (Mentioned)
- Fafnir (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Elders of the Universe
- Cosmic Beings (Mentioned)
- Frost Giants
- Asgardians (Main story and recap)
- Elder Gods of Earth (Only in recap)
- Musculans
- Rabbits (Mentioned)
- Olympians (Mentioned)
- Flarks (Invoked)
- Halfworlders
- Starfish (Referenced)
- Casino Cosmico
- Asgard
- Utgard (Mentioned)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- United States of America (Main story and recap)
- New York (Main story and recap)
- New York City (Main story and recap)
- Manhattan (Main story and recap)
- Hudson River (Only in recap)
- Upper New York Bay (Only in recap)
- Liberty Island (Only in recap)
- Statue of Liberty (Only in recap)
- Liberty Island (Only in recap)
- Upper New York Bay (Only in recap)
- New York City (Main story and recap)
- New York (Main story and recap)
- United States of America (Main story and recap)
- Znrrgax IV (First appearance)
- Muscula (Referenced)
- Mjolnir (Main story and recap)
- Infinity Stones (Behind the scenes)
- Power Stone (Behind the scenes)
Synopsis for "The Idiot Abroad"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Death Stone Saga: Chapter Three"
Featured Characters:
Other Characters:
- Nick Fury, Jr. (Mentioned)
- U.S. Army Rangers (Referenced)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. (Referenced)
- Squadron Supreme of America (Mentioned)
- Death (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Multiverse (Referenced)
- Infinity Stones (Behind the scenes)
- Death Stone (Behind the scenes)
- Behaviour Modification Device (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Death Stone Saga: Chapter Three"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• Faced with the menace of Utgard and a prophecy of his own doom, the son of Odin sought out the legendary Power Stone to aid his fight. Only two things were in his way.
• Firstly, the mighty CHAMPION OF THE UNIVERSE – with strength to match Thor's own – was also questing for the stone.
• Secondly, the Stone is now inside a person – THE PRINCE OF POWER!
• PLUS, Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli continue the journey of the Death Stone Bearer and the scar it will leave on the universe!