Marvel Database

Spymaster (Ted Calloway) (Earth-616) from Infinity Heist Vol 1 3 cover
Quote1 Wow. Hulkbuster. Stealth. Iron Centurian. Quote2
Firebrand (Amanda) (Earth-616) from Infinity Heist Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Even the armor with the nose. Quote2
David Cannon (Earth-616) from Infinity Heist Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Heh. The Nose Armor. What the hell was Stark thinking that day? Beyond dumb. Quote2
Donald Gill (Earth-616) from Infinity Heist Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Yep... Quote2

Appearing in "The Heist: Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "The Heist: Part 3"

Blizzard and Whirlwind become forced into taking part of the assault to Stark Tower. After Spymaster uses teleporter discs to teleport some Iron Man Armors to the buyers, he escapes and leaves Blizzard and the rest of his accomplices to be discovered by the heroes who are using the tower as a base. They manage to defeat the heroes, and they are offered to be taken to Spymaster by Titanium Man. When they arrived to a spaceship where Spymaster was, they are ambushed by him and Titanium Man who revealed himself as Captain Atlas of the Kree (who were the masterminds behind the heist).

Solicit Synopsis

The crime of the century just got a bit more complicated!

Blizzard’s new…uh…developments put the entire team in jeopardy – while Titanium Man’s true identity is OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Frank Tieri and Al Barrionuevo bring the twists in the Infinity Heist!


  • For some reason, White Tiger is depicted as being a literal white tiger. It is possible that artist confused her with White Tiger, an unrelated hero who, in her last appearance, had been turned into a regular tiger. It is also possible, though less likely, that this was intended to be an appearance of White Tiger, brought by her former teammate as added security.

See Also

Links and References

